WoW Classic PvP Pool Size Boosting

Boosting the PvP pool size is the single smartest thing any ranker can do to progress faster. It is always more beneficial than farming "x" amount of additional honor. This can be done by getting at least 15 honorable kills (HK) on an alt. The level of characters getting the kills does not matter. For a character to grant HKs, it needs to be at least lvl10.

Simply speaking, every 333 additional players yield an additional br1 spot (min. needed for r14), every 200 additional players yield an additional br2 spot (min. needed for r13), every 83 additional players yield an additional br3 spot (min. needed for r12), every 67 additional players yield an additional br4 spot (min. needed for r11), every 40 additional players yield an additional br5 spot (min. needed for r10) etc.

For Contributors



For Organizers

Useful macro the opposite faction character getting killed:
/click StaticPopup1Button1
/tar Spirit Healer
/run AcceptXPLoss()
/run AcceptAreaSpiritHeal()
After 1-2 manual resses, spam this macro while running forward to the Spirit Healer and you will res automatically.